What are Invisalign aligners?

Invisalign is an alternative treatment to traditional metal braces. It straightens your teeth using a series of custom-made, clear aligners.

Invisalign clear aligners are removable plastic trays that fit perfectly over your teeth to gradually move them into proper alignment. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks, then replaced with the next set in the series until you have achieved your ideal smile. Invisalign aligners are made of smooth BPA-free plastic that feels much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. In fact, most people won’t even know you’re wearing your Invisalign aligners! The aligners are also removed prior to eating and brushing, so you can still enjoy all your favorite foods and clean your teeth as normal.

How does Invisalign work?

When you wear clear braces, they move your teeth through the appropriate series of movements that straightens your smile effectively and invisibly. However, unlike traditional metal braces, there are no brackets to attach to your teeth and no wires to tighten periodically. Instead, you wear a set of clear plastic aligners over your teeth for about two weeks at a time. The aligners are constructed of a smooth, BPA-free plastic that won’t irritate your oral tissues the way metal brackets might. They also come equipped with convenient removal tabs that make them easy to remove and eat with.

As you go through each set of aligners in the treatment process, your teeth will gradually move into their ideal positions. Unlike traditional orthodontic appliances, however, this process happens gradually and gently over time, so you won’t have to worry about any discomfort or irritation during the process. By only shifting your smile at the rate that your periodontal tissues can comfortably accommodate, Invisalign allows you to achieve your dream smile with minimal pain and sensitivity along the way.

Once your teeth are in their proper positions, you’ll need to wear a clear retainer to ensure that they don’t shift back into their former locations. However, this additional step is not actually necessary for every patient; we will discuss whether you will need one during your initial consultation. After this final stage of treatment is complete, you’ll have the healthy, straight teeth you deserve to show off to the world!

Is Invisalign treatment painful?

While orthodontic treatment can cause some discomfort, most people find that Invisalign trays are much more comfortable than traditional braces. That’s because there are no wires or metal parts to rub against your cheeks or gums. Instead, you’ll wear a series of custom-fit plastic aligners over your teeth that gently shift them into place over time. No brackets to poke you and no rubber bands to pinch your mouth when you eat! Plus, you can remove the aligner whenever you like so you can brush and floss normally and eat your favorite foods without food restrictions.

In some cases, there may be some minor irritation when you first start wearing a new aligner. To ease this pain, we recommend rinsing with lukewarm saltwater twice a day and eating soft foods for the first few days of wear. Once any initial sensitivity wears off, you should be able to go back to your regular routine with no problem. Note that there may be a slight adjustment period as your body gets used to wearing the clear aligners, but many people report no problems at all.

What causes yellow teeth?

There are various things that can cause your teeth to become stained and leave you with a yellow tint on your smile. Food that has a high acid content, such as tomato sauce and citrus fruits, can soften your tooth enamel and make it more vulnerable to staining. Tobacco use also discolors the teeth and causes stains to set in more quickly. Certain medications, such as antihistamines, can also cause tooth discoloration. Fortunately, many of these causes of yellowed teeth are preventable or treatable with the use of teeth whitening products.

Are teeth whitening painful?

No! Your dentist uses a safe, effective whitening gel to whiten your smile painlessly. The professional-strength formula can lighten your teeth by up to five shades or more after just one appointment. Even if you need more than one session to reach your optimal results, the process will be easy and convenient.

At your appointments, the dentist will apply the whitening gel to the surfaces of your teeth. The solution breaks down stains on contact, so you won’t have to sit with uncomfortable strips or try ineffective over-the-counter products for weeks on end. After your professional whitening treatment, you can continue brightening your smile at home by using custom trays filled with a professional-grade whitening gel. If you avoid foods and drinks that could stain your teeth and drink plenty of water each day, you can keep your smile bright for years or even decades to come.

How long do teeth whitening last?

The length of time that your teeth will stay white after undergoing professional whitening varies for each person. This is due to different factors, such as genetics and lifestyle habits. However, on average most people will see their smiles stay whiter for at least a year. If your go-to habit is drinking staining beverages like coffee or wine, you may want to consider having them less frequently if you want your results to last as long as possible. It is also a good idea to limit your consumption of staining foods and snacks like berries and tomato sauce. This will help in protecting your smile from discoloration.

There are also other steps that you can take to ensure that you get the most out of your whitening results for as long as possible. For example, you will want to make sure that you are keeping up with your regular visits to your dentist’s office. This will allow him or her to catch any oral health issues that you may be facing early on so that you can treat them accordingly. Additionally, this will also allow you to make sure your oral health is in tip-top shape so you can keep your smile looking and feeling great!

What are white fillings?

There are different types of fillings available at our dental practice. A filling is a dental procedure that is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay. It can also be used to repair a tooth damaged by trauma. White fillings are made of composite resin, which is a mixture of plastic and glass made to match the color of your teeth. Composite resin is also very durable and strong and looks natural in your smile. Because these fillings can be tinted to match your smile, they’ll look completely natural when you open your mouth to speak or eat. We’ll match the filling to your other teeth so that they look as though nothing was ever there! Most importantly, though, white fillings allow us to protect your teeth from further damage that may be caused by decay or breakage. When cavities are left untreated for too long, they can worsen over time. Unfortunately, without the proper treatment, you may need a root canal in the future due to severe tooth decay. Fillings allow you to protect the sensitive inner pulp of your tooth by restoring it with a durable, effective material. That way, you can prevent infections and tooth loss down the line.

Are white fillings safe?

Yes, white fillings are completely safe. Most dentists use composite resin to fill cavities, which are made from glass filler and plastic. The composite material can be tinted to match the natural color of your tooth enamel. White fillings don’t contain mercury or other metals that are typically used in amalgam fillings. Composite resin is more resistant to wear and tear than metal fillings. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about your filling cracking or falling out of the tooth, as this is a less common occurrence with white fillings. On the other hand, since composite resin is more porous than other types of fillings, it can stain more easily. For this reason, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene so that the buildup of plaque doesn’t compromise the aesthetic appeal of your filling.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin sheaths of tooth-shaped porcelain or resin that cover the surface of a tooth to improve its appearance. They are designed to cover the front side of your teeth to improve the aesthetics of your smile. Veneers are used on teeth with uneven surfaces, cracks, chips, deep stains, and minor misalignments. They also make teeth look longer because they are made of translucent material like natural tooth enamel.

To prepare for veneers, your dentist will lightly buff and shape your tooth to create room for the thickness of the veneer. After applying a special gel to your tooth, your dentist will apply the veneer and use a light to harden it in place. Your dentist may need to trim your veneer during your appointment to ensure a good fit, so you’ll leave with a perfectly shaped smile!

Are dental veneers the right procedure for me?

Veneers are a great option for anyone who has discolored, chipped or slightly misaligned teeth. They work by covering the front surface of the teeth with a thin layer of porcelain, giving a more pleasing look than tooth whitening alone can provide. Dental veneers are a great solution for people who have healthy oral hygiene habits and want to correct minor flaws in their smile. They’re also the perfect solution for anyone with extremely sensitive teeth. Since only a thin coating of porcelain is applied to the front of your teeth, there’s very little enamel removed during the process and little to no damage done to your tooth structure.

What are tooth extractions?

Teeth extractions are procedures that remove a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. This is sometimes necessary when your tooth is severely damaged or decayed, when its structure has changed in a way that makes it non-restorable, and if it is crowding other healthy teeth. A tooth may also be extracted in preparation for orthodontic treatments like braces. Extractions of impacted wisdom teeth are routinely performed as well. While extraction is not typically considered an emergency procedure, it can still be quite stressful for patients, so choosing a dentist who is experienced and gentle is important.

Why do you need an extraction?

Teeth extractions, or the removal of teeth, are a last resort treatment when the tooth cannot be saved. There are many reasons why tooth extraction may be necessary. In many cases, a tooth will have to be removed if it is broken or decayed beyond repair. In order to save the tooth, the dentist must remove the decay from the tooth and fill the cavity with dental filling material. However, if the decay is too large to be repaired with a filling or if the tooth is severely damaged and cannot be restored, the tooth must be extracted to prevent infection and pain. In some cases, wisdom teeth that are impacted need to be extracted to prevent further complications. Some patients may need extractions for orthodontic reasons to correct their bite and straighten their teeth. Patients can also opt to remove teeth to prepare for other dental procedures, such as dentures or dental implant procedures. Talk to your dentist about your specific condition and his recommendations for treatment.

Is it safe to have your teeth extracted?

Yes, removing a tooth is very safe as long as it is done by a professional dentist. Many people are worried that when they go to the dentist to have a tooth removed, they will feel pain during the procedure. However, this is not the case. You will feel no pain whatsoever during tooth extractions because the area will be completely numbed with local anesthesia beforehand. The only thing that you will feel is pressure as the tooth is removed. Afterward, you may experience some swelling or discomfort in the area, but this can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen.

By following good oral hygiene habits, you can prevent the need for future tooth extractions. Brushing twice a day and flossing once daily is the best way to prevent cavities from forming in your teeth. If tooth decay does occur, your dentist will repair it by filling it with a composite resin material. However, if a large cavity threatens your tooth’s stability, they may recommend having the tooth pulled instead. This is because the longer you wait, the less likely it is that you will be able to save your tooth. Teeth that have decayed for too long have the risk of being damaged beyond repair when the dentist attempts to pull them from the socket using pliers.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a procedure in which your tooth’s pulp and nerves are removed due to damage or infection. It’s used to treat diseases of the dental pulp, including deep tooth decay and infected gums. During this procedure, your dentist removes the diseased pulp from your tooth. The canals are then sterilized and filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Your dentist will place a crown or filling over the tooth for added support. Root canals last for an average of 15 to 25 years and are a common procedure for preserving natural teeth.

Why do I need a root canal?

A root canal is necessary to save a tooth from extraction, especially if there is pain involved or an infection. After your treatment, you can then go on to restore your smile and regain full functionality. Without this procedure, the damaged tooth will need to be removed. A gap left behind can cause the other teeth to shift and be out of place as well. Over time, this can lead to TMJ disorder and pain.

Root canals require one or more visits over the course of one to four weeks depending on the severity of the condition and what is causing it. Your dentist will be able to give you a better idea of what to expect during your consultation appointment. Afterward, they will schedule follow-up appointments to make sure everything is healing properly.

When treating an infected tooth, your endodontist first removes the diseased pulp from the chamber of the tooth and then cleans and disinfects the canals that were once home to the sensitive tissues. After disinfecting these canals to protect the rest of your mouth from infection, we fill the cleaned-out portion of your tooth with sterile material called gutta-percha in order to seal it and prevent further issues. The final step of treatment is the placement of a crown over the tooth to protect it from future damage and restore it to full function. Though the treated tooth may feel sensitive for a few days after treatment, you should not feel any pain beyond this. If your crown feels loose or uncomfortable after placement, contact our office for assistance. We can also provide immediate relief for pain or sensitivity with an over-the-counter pain medication. In most cases, patients recover fully within a week or two and are able to enjoy all of their favorite foods again without issue.

What are emergency dental treatments?

A dental emergency is an acute oral condition that requires immediate attention. A dental emergency can strike at any time, and it is best to be prepared.

Emergency dental treatments are treatments that are required after a painful or traumatic event, such as a serious bite injury. These types of treatments are immediate and are usually performed during the same visit or within a couple of days. Sometimes, patients require multiple visits to get over a dental emergency.

Common examples of emergency dental care include:

  • Root canal therapy
  • Tooth extraction
  • Repairing fractured teeth with a crown or veneer
  • Fixing broken dentures with denture repair
  • Treating a tooth infection
  • Traumatic brain injury treatment

Our dentist will determine what treatment options are right for you based on the extent of your injury and your symptoms. We strive to provide prompt and comfortable care to all of our patients following a dental emergency.

Why are emergency dental treatments needed?

Emergency dental procedures are often needed when trauma has occurred to your mouth or teeth. This includes damage to the teeth, gums, jaw, or nearby soft tissues. If your tooth is knocked out, fractured, or has fallen out of the socket entirely, you’ll need to see a dentist immediately in order to have the best chance at saving the tooth. This may mean having a root canal procedure done, which can save your tooth and prevent you from needing to get dental implants after an accident.

A piece of food that gets stuck between your teeth is also a common cause of an emergency visit to the dentist’s office. If an object is stuck in your teeth, it’s best to see your dentist rather than trying to remove it yourself with floss or other at-home items. Sometimes, if a tooth is cracked, a piece of food can become stuck within the crack, causing pain and potential infection if not removed right away. This is especially true for patients who are not able to brush their teeth regularly due to various health conditions.

If you experience any type of facial injury that results in bleeding, you need to be seen and treated right away by an oral surgeon so you do not risk any damage to your teeth and gums. Oral surgeons are also trained to provide cosmetic procedures to improve the look of your smile after an injury.

The takeaway here is that if you suffer any kind of injury to your face that causes bleeding, whether inside or outside of the mouth, you should seek immediate treatment from an oral surgeon or general dentist. You are more likely to save your smile and see the best possible results if you get care as soon as possible after the incident occurs.

What are dental crowns?

A dental crown is a cap that is placed over the entire visible surface of the tooth. A crown is also fit over a dental implant. Crowns are typically needed when there isn’t enough tooth structure left after a cavity, fracture, root canal, or other treatment. They may also be used to replace a large filling that has failed and requires a full restoration instead of a simple filling. In the past, a crown was usually made of gold or other metals, but today’s crowns can be entirely metal-free and made entirely of ceramic for a more natural appearance. Ceramic crowns can also be matched to the color of your natural teeth, so they blend in seamlessly. Porcelain-fused-to-metal and porcelain-over-metal crowns are also available. These offer a natural look as well but include small amounts of metal for added durability.

When are dental crowns needed?

Dental crowns are usually recommended when a tooth is severely damaged or has experienced advanced decay. A crown covers the entire tooth, offering both protection and aesthetic improvement. Crowns are most often fabricated from porcelain, which offers a durable and stain-resistant material for patients with an active lifestyle. Porcelain is also similar to natural teeth in its appearance. Since a crown encases an entire tooth, it can improve the appearance of your smile, restore your ability to chew and speak properly, and even protect a damaged tooth from further decay. Overall, crowns are a highly effective restorative option that can restore both the function and appearance of your teeth.

How are dental crowns made?

Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to the dental lab. There, they will create your custom crown out of high-quality porcelain. A temporary restoration will be attached until your permanent crown is ready. This usually takes a week or two. In the meantime, your dentist may provide a temporary crown to protect the surface of your tooth from sensitivity and prevent you from feeling self-conscious about your smile. Once the permanent crown is ready, the temporary one will be removed, and the permanent crown will be cemented into place using a permanent dental adhesive.

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